The banners also expressed support for Vahid Beheshti, a popular activist who recently spoke to Israel's Knesset.
Stop Iran Now Via Jerusalem Post
January 19, 2024
In the center of Iran's capital of Tehran, citizens hung banners reading "We stand with Israel" and other anti-regime messages on Thursday.
Citizens also displayed banners reading "Vahid is our voice," a reference to Vahid Beheshti. Beheshti is an anti-regime activist who recently visited Israel and spoke in the Knesset.
“Soon you will have to deal with the elephant in the room, which is theIranian government, and you should not be afraid of attacking Iranian bases in Iran. This is the only language they understand,” Beheshti told Knesset Israel Victory Caucus on January 2nd. “The good news is that you have an army of 80 million Iranians who are thirsty for freedom and democracy, who since 2009 have been trying to overthrow the government but have not yet succeeded, because of the barbaric violence of the Iranian regime. If you support the Iranian people, you will see how they will lower the head of the octopus and we will all experience peace.”
“The Iranian government is at its greatest weakness in 44 years. They were aware of the attack on the 7th of October in advance, they thought that after the terrible attack, they would achieve a total ceasefire within two months, but it did not happen. Help us overthrow the government, try to imagine what the Middle East would look like without the Iranian government, just imagine."
How did Beheshti respond to the banners?
Addressing the banners, Beheshti wrote on X "The enthusiastic and honorable people of Iran welcomed the words of this "little soldier" in Israel.....
"Last night (Wednesday, December 27, 1402) in Tehran, in support of the words of this little soldier of the nation, a 5-meter banner was hung from a bridge in Eastern Hemet, on which was written: "Heaven with the zeal of the voice of the whole nation." "We stand by Israel"
"In addition, the same message is written in English on the banner: Vahid is our voice "We stand with Israel"
"The people of Iran sent another message to the people of Israel that they stand by them and against the terrorists.
"If we want #ایران to stay, this aggressive enemy #جمهوری_اسلامی must go.
"The only way left for us is #خیابان .
"We swear by the blood of Yaran, we will stand until the end
"#مهسا_امینی #IRGCterrorists"
"Once again, the brave people of Iran risked their lives and sent a clear message about their unequivocal support towards the people of Israel, and towards my messages following my five-day visit to Israel, in which I spoke at the Israeli Parliament (Knesset), and conveyed the message of the people of Iran.