“Israel will not survive the next 25 years. The Jewish state will be hounded until it is destroyed.”
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei 9/9/2015 (just prior to the consummation of the Iran Nuclear Deal)

The IRANIAN REGIME denies the Holocaust while frequently calling for the annihilation of the State of Israel. It is the main progenitor of hate and violence toward the Jewish people.
The regime is aggressively pursuing its goal of destroying the Jewish state by financing, weaponizing and training the terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza - and Hezbollah in Lebanon. These brutal, authoritarian militias that murder innocents with reckless abandon were formed for the express purpose of "wiping Israel away."
In addition it is ensconcing itself in Syria where it is attempting to bring or develop potentially lethal precision guided missiles.
Note that these nefarious actors and actions were financed with billions dollars the Islamic Republic received as part of the Iran nuclear deal - JCPOA.
Those who truly want to fight antisemitism could best start by demanding that the United Nations and the governments now meeting in Vienna stop legitimizing, emboldening and enriching our generation's true Hitler wannabee.