February 2, 2024

The above-pictured Gallup Poll illustrates that the American people understand the great danger the Iranian Regime's nuclear program poses to their national security. 77% of Americans polled see the development of nuclear weapons by Iran as a "critical threat". They ranked it the second most critical threat we face - just slightly below cyberterrorism (much of which is committed by Iran).
My fellow Americans are a smart and knowledgeable bunch indeed......
They understand that the Iranian government - which unites its followers to chants of "death to America" an refers to us as the "Great Satan" - has been at war with us since the 1979 Revolution and is responsible for the kidnapping, maiming and murder of thousands of Americans.
They understand that this regime recently plotted to assassinate President Trump on U.S. soil.
They understand that Iran maimed and killed thousands of U.S. men and women using explosive devices designed to inflict maximum pain and suffering
They understand that this regime is the greatest state sponsor of terrorism in the world which "directly and materially" aided al Qaeda in the 9/11 attacks; supported the Taliban; on the American homeland and continues to harbor al Qaeda'a leaders.
They understand that, at the direction of the regime, its terror proxy Hezbollah bombed our marine barracks in 1983 murdering 241 American service members who were in Beirut on a peacekeeping mission.
They understand that this regime financed and partnered with Assad to viciously murder 500,000 Syrian men, women and children using barrel bombs and chemical weapons.
They understand that this regime that financed, weaponized and trained Hamas inside Iran just prior to the 10/7 massacre in Israel which it praised.
They understand that this regime has a significant and disturbing presence in Latin America - as its proxy Hezbollah engages in a multi hundred billion dollar criminal enterprise which includes narcotics trafficking and money laundering.
They understand that the Iran-backed terror group Houthis in Yemen whose slogan is
God is the greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A Curse Upon the Jews
Victory to Islam
are interfering with international shipping and are both a physical and moral menace which must be eliminated.
As Iran is rushing to a bomb time is of the essence.
This threat can and must be eradicated NOW.
This can be accomplished with a focused military operation which will not require boots on the ground.
It is important to understand that any diplomatic effort will only play into Tehran's duplicity and delay strategy.
Ronald Reagan rightly said that when entering into an agreement with an adversary we must "trust but verify."
Over the past decade we have learned that the Iranian regime certainly cannot be trusted and that any purported agreement with them cannot be verified.
The terrorist sponsoring tyrant shave never negotiated in good faith - and they never will.
They are hellbent on attaining nuclear weapons at any price. And with the weakening of their proxies in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria they are more determined than ever.
Iran has deceived the West about its nuclear program time and time again. (see, among others;;;;;
Iran has consistently violated its obligations under its comprehensive safeguards agreement a key part of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), under which it must cooperate with the IAEA and fully account for nuclear material and past and present nuclear activities.
Iran has repeatedly ignored, stonewalled, deceived and even physically harassed female inspectors charge with verifying its obligations under the JCPOA (the 2015 nuclear deal) and the NPT. As recently as November of 2024 the United Nations' nuclear watchdog agency censured Iran for failing to cooperate with the agency's monitoring .
America will not be fooled yet again. President Trump is much smarter than that.
We cannot let the world's most dangerous regime - threaten us with the world's most dangerous weapons.