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"The time has come for the U.N. to condemn Iranian subversion and Palestinian terrorism against innocent civilians, and to refrain from its baseless criticism of Israel"

September 21, 2023

Stop Iran Now Via AFSI/JNS

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, met on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly on Wednesday in New York City.

The Israeli leader stressed Iran’s role in destabilizing the Middle East and the world.

Netanyahu also “demanded” that Guterres “change the attitude of the organization’s institutions towards the State of Israel,” according to the readout, “and said that it was untenable that while major changes for the better were taking place in the entire world and in the Middle East that the U.N. was unaffected and remained steadfast in its hostility to Israel.”

Netanyahu told Guterres that “the time has come for the U.N. to condemn Iranian subversion and Palestinian terrorism against innocent civilians, and to refrain from its baseless criticism of Israel,” the readout added.

Prime Minister Netanyahu's demand is on point and needed to be not only said but HEARD by this international gathering of world leaders. However, unless there's a major turnaround in leadership at the U.N. itself - or those so-called leaders do some serious truth searching and some serious soul searching, - we have little hope of the U.N.'s ongoing hostilities changing toward the only democracy in the Middle East.

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